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Your thoughts about the move to Kerkrade

Hi All,

This questionnaire is aimed to gather your feedback concerning the announcement done last Wednesday 3rd February during the Town Hall Meeting.

In aim to do our best to represent everyone's situation at the Works Council, we need your collaboration. Please be honest and share any thought you have. This questionnaire is CONFIDENTIAL and will only take a few minutes of your time.
Thanks in advance for your collaboration.
The Works Council

réponse obligatoire

Question 1

What is the major impact of the move on your current situation ?


Question 2

If you answered "TIME" at Question 1, please indicate how long will your total door-to-door travel time be impacted (total travel time in minutes/day) ?

Example : + 60 minutes/day

Question 3

If you answered "MONEY" at Question 1, please indicate how much will your total travel costs increase (cost per day) ?

Example : I will have to take the train from A to B and from B to C, which is xxx ¤ more expensive than now.

Question 4

If you answered "DISTANCE" at Question 1, please indicate how many (extra) kilometers you will have to drive and specify the impacts.

Example : I currently drive 25 km and get 135,53 ¤/month. When the move is effective, I'll drive 45 km while the "reiskostenvergoeding" is capped at 40km (capped at 271,07 ¤). What about the remaining 5 km ?

réponse obligatoire

Question 5

What is the impact on your personal life (if any) because of this intended move ?
Please give some examples

1 = None ; 2 = Low Impact ; 3 = Small Impact ; 4 = Major Impact ; 5 = Big Impact
Example : cannot pick up the children at school, cannot sport anymore, ...



Question 6

What kind of facilities would you expect to have in Kerkrade ?

Example : I expect to have free drinks in the canteen

réponse obligatoire

Question 7

To which extend do you understand the move (from a Boston Scientific perspective) ?

1 = I don't understand it at all ; 2 = I understand a little bit but don't agree ; 3 = I understand ; 4 = I understand and agree partially ; 5 = I understand and fully agree


réponse obligatoire

Question 8

How happy are you with this move ? Please explain

1 = I am strongly unhappy ; 2 = I am unhappy ; 3 = Neutral ; 4 = I'm happy ; 5 = I'm very happy
Example : 5 : I'm very happy because it'll be closer to home.



Question 9

What do you think about the communication that was done ?

Example : I think the communication could have been better, and better prepared + examples

Question 10

If you are negatively impacted, could you please tell us what you think should be done to "compensate" or solve (some of) the issues you will be facing ?

réponse obligatoire

Question 11

Could you please tell us in which department you are working ?


Vous aussi, créez votre questionnaire en ligne !
C'est facile et gratuit.
C'est parti !